Saturday 12 January 2013

Rina Suzuki

Full Name: Rina Suzuki
Birthday: August 21,1991
Birthplace: Osaka, Japan
Blood Type: B
Height: 160 cm

  EEEEEEHHHHH!!! *hyperventilating* *shout at the top of my lungs* *dies* wait i can`t die yet can`t I?? I still didn`t tell the story of my lovely rina, well you might wonder if I`m crazy, hey I`m not I just really love rina ok??. *clears throat* 

 Let me introduce you the Goddess Rina, she is the drummer of the band and also the youngest of them all. 

  Rina is always seen smiling showing that music is nothing but love, she together with Tomomi can be the most perfect combination when it came to pranks. She is the most active in their blog, making sure that the fans is always updated about their status, yeah i know that because I join their blog :)..In their interview she said that she can live eating bread and soymilk alone, rina to the horror of the interviewer said that she believe in aliens and dreamed to see once in her life.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Being the youngest she said that she didn't know ant boys number and if she will have one the boy must be a guitarist because for her guitarist is really awesome.

 Rina aside from drums can also play the piano and she said that she`d been playing it since she was 3. She also said that she like serving other people so she really please to work at a fast food chain or in the maid cafe, she also know how to cook, love reading romantic and fantasy books, and love collecting bath salts.

 She name her drums Angelina or Angie, ok i must stop now, right?? if i don't i can't stop myself anymore so please I'm begging you!! somebody stop me!! *my sister dragging me away from my laptop*.

Well my sister became insane i will publish this blog now.. see ya!!!