Saturday 12 January 2013

Tomomi Ogawa

Full Name: Tomomi Ogawa
Birthday: May 31, 1990
Birthplace: Hyogo Prefecture
Blood Type: A
Height: 157 cm

 Well, she is the cutest bass guitarist I ever know, Tomomi or called as "Tomo" by the fans is the most playful of all the band members, she is usually seen giving pranks to her band mates. Though she has the playful side little did know that tomo is the one that usually write majority of their songs, her voice is described like the voice of ALVIN of the chipmunks, her voice is somewhat cute and very high pitch. In one of their interview it is revealed that she is worst when it came to drawing though she really did not admit it. Like haruna , she also wants to become a dancer as seen in their music videos on how she gracefully dance despite the fact that she is holding a huge bass guitar.

When tomo was asked if she was given a chance to date a man where it will be, as expected tomo`s answer is really uhmm... cute?? ahahahaha... well she answered that she want to have a date in a badminton gym because she want to play badminton with her date. In the other hand, Tomo really likes ICHIGO (strawberry) and nata de coco while just like me tomo really hate carrots and melon. Tomo also have a piercing on her left ear and a tattoo on her left shoulder. 

Tomo also named her guitar "Masaya - kun" but later on change it to "Yuusuke - kun".   

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