Saturday 12 January 2013

Mami Sasazaki

Full Name: Mami Sasazaki
Birthday: May 21, 1990
Birthplace: Aichi Prefecture
Blood Type: AB
Height: 161 cm

   She is the most beautiful guitarist that I`ve seen in my whole life, :) she is the lead guitarist of the band whenever she plays her guitar everyone is like mesmerize on how cool she play it. If tomo is the worst when it come to drawing, well mami is the best in this area, just like me she among the group is the biggest fan of anime and dreamed to become a seiyuu (voice actor). In their interview it is seen that she is quiet and somehow have a dark aura but backstage as said by haruna her attitude is the opposite, she is also playful and somwhat full of pranks. It is very noticeable especially in her solo parts her soft-punkish voice it is somehow compare to the voice of the american singer Avril Lavigne.

Mami is also the most creative in the group having her hair very stylish and always been noticeable in their every music videos, there were times when she color it green,red and yellow.

Mami is huge fan of BLEACH and ONE PIECE, though I just love Bleach because os Ichigo and Byakuya ahahahaha,.

In the other hand she name her guitar 
"Yuuya - kun" , she can also cook and play drums.

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