Monday 9 September 2013


Composer: Takashi Yamaguchi

Fully open emotions of love are missing from the world
Standing on a new era station of passion

Searching in melancholy
The insufficient things I sought wet my painful cheeks
The thorns are piercing my heart

The light of the waning moon illuminates me; I'm missing you so much it's getting out of control
I acted so tough it's almost sad; the correct voice was hidden
Even the beasts lurking in the darkness of night come to a halt again each time they come close
I wonder what will change tomorrow as I knock on dawn's door

Yeah, the two limited to fatigue (A sacrificial regeneration order)
Invited the incomplete combustion of love (A second cold war)

Inside a lukewarm momentum
A peak of ambiguity rings out the closing beep
The rust in my tear glands is piling up

The light of the waning moon illuminates you; with a story that cuts into the boredom
We talk about two rabbits playing together
"For now, whether it's true or false, take it to the moon next week"
Why is my heart starting to ache? I gather up the pretenses that have faded away

Ah, with the emergency switch I sink into my dependence on toxicity and jump into pleasure

The unchanging light of the waning moon; I can't convey my true feelings well
I fix up my smile alone as a cold drop of water spills
I want to forget everything you told me that day about the future
Today we again draw close together as we wait for the dawning sky

Ah, the light of the waning moon

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